
Do You Have Any Questions Regarding Home and Building Inspections?

Why is it necessary to have a home inspection?

Are you wondering what might set our company apart from the others? Read on to learn more.

 Flexible scheduling
 Maintenance inspection
 Listing inspection
 New construction inspection
 Warranty inspection
 Pre-sale inspection
 Commercial inspection

Due Diligence Property Inspections provide you with trained and experienced home and building inspection professionals. Our Rocky Mount NC Home inspectors will spend a lot of time thoroughly evaluating all areas of the house that you are about to purchase, from the roof to the foundation and all aspects in between. We provide the most advanced inspection on the market.

Reasons Why You Need an Inspection

Never judge a book by its cover. This is true when it comes to purchasing or selling a home or commercial property.

If you’re selling your property, an inspection can bring any issues to your attention so you can repair them and market them more effectively. If you’re buying, an inspection can give you peace of mind that the property you’re looking to purchase is safe and in good condition.

Contact Us Today with any questions you may have.


Due Diligence Property Inspections LogoOur team of pros at Due Diligence Property Inspections will look for any and all potential problems with the property, from the condition of the foundation to the electrical wiring. Then, a comprehensive report will be provided to give you a good idea of what repairs or renovations need to be made to make the home livable.

At Due Diligence Property Inspections, we understand that your home is one of your biggest investments. We take pride in our work and go out of our way to ensure that our clients are satisfied. We provide a wide range of home inspection services that can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

Call us today at 252-436-8392 or schedule an appointment online via our website to learn more about what we can do for you!

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