Gas and Carbon Monoxide Detection

When you are buying a home, it is important to have a professional inspection done. This includes checking for gas leaks and carbon monoxide levels. If there are any problems detected, they can be fixed before you move in. A professional inspector will also be able to let you know if the home has had a gas or carbon monoxide leak in the past. This is important information to have as it can help you decide whether or not to buy the home.

Signs That You Have Gas and Carbon Monoxide Detection at Home

  1. You can smell gas
  2. Your carbon monoxide detector goes off often
  3. You see water or rust stains near your furnace
  4. The pilot light on your furnace is out
  5. You have an unexplained increase in your utility bills
  6. You’ve had a recent home fire or explosion

Carbon monoxide detectors are important, and you should always have them in your home. If you don’t have carbon monoxide detectors, or if they’re not working properly, it’s time to hire a professional home inspector. They can test for gas leaks and make sure that your carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect yourself and your family by hiring a professional home inspector today! Call us at 252-436-8392 or you may click the button below to schedule online 24/7.

Schedule Now - Due Diligence Property Inspections


Due Diligence Property Inspections LogoOur team of pros at Due Diligence Property Inspections will look for any and all potential problems with the property, from the condition of the foundation to the electrical wiring. Then, a comprehensive report will be provided to give you a good idea of what repairs or renovations need to be made to make the home livable.

At Due Diligence Property Inspections, we understand that your home is one of your biggest investments. We take pride in our work and go out of our way to ensure that our clients are satisfied. We provide a wide range of home inspection services that can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

Call us today at 252-436-8392 or schedule an appointment online via our website to learn more about what we can do for you!

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